I hope that everything has gone well for everyone this week! Here in Peru things are going pretty well! Lots of walking and preachin'! Eric is doing really well! He accepted a baptismal date for July 23! And he already is seeing the blessings of keeping the comandments. He's been without work for a LONG time, but this week he was able to find a possible job! Now we just gotta hit the whole ''keep the sabbath day holy'' deal :) But I'm sure he'll do fine. It's been fun seeing his faith grow even in the little time we've been with him.
Other than that, we're still working with the ward to find some good less-actives and investigators!
Funny story! We had a big training with our bishop and ward mission leader and ward missionaries in the stake center last night. We were like a group of almost 20 people and we fit everyone into the bishop's van and another car!! The bishop's van didn't have seats in the back, so he took the tiny seats from the nursery and put them in his car for us to sit in!!!! It was SO PACKED! And so funny. One of those ''only in Peru'' moments :)
But to finish, I've really been thinking about the Savior this week. It caught my eye a while ago in the sacrament prayer how it says that we are to ''always remember him''. Even as a missionary, it can be hard to ALWAYS remember him! Doing small things to remember Christ in the day has helped me find peace and strength this week!
Love you all!!!
Hermana Stephenson
PICS. These are pictures from our cake night activity last week!!!